Practical Tips for Monitoring Blood Glucose While Working


Reconciling blood glucose monitoring with a busy work routine can be a challenge for those living with Type 1 Diabetes. However, with a few simple strategies, it is possible to keep track of glucose levels even during a busy day at the office. Let's explore how to integrate monitoring into your work routine in a practical and efficient way.

Organize Your Monitoring Tools

To ensure that you can monitor your blood glucose throughout the day, maintain a monitoring kit always close by. This includes the glucose meter, test strips, lancets and, if necessary, insulin, and syringes or application pens.

If you use a continuous glucose monitor (CGM), always carry a portable charger or an extra battery if the device needs to be recharged throughout the day. Make sure your devices are working properly before leaving for work.

Keeping this kit handy, whether on the office desk or in the bag, avoids the need to travel during working hours to monitor glucose, making the process more practical and agile.

Define Monitoring Schedules

Even on a busy workday, it's essential to define Regular hours to monitor your blood glucose. Take advantage of moments such as before lunch, after meetings, or in the middle of the afternoon to take measurements. Setting reminders on your phone or computer can be a good way to ensure that you don't forget to measure your glucose levels.

Having a well-established routine makes it easier to monitor and avoid surprises throughout the day, allowing you to adjust your insulin doses and snacks as needed.

Healthy Snacks at Work

Another important tip for those living with Type 1 Diabetes Is it to keep healthy snacks by hand in the work environment. Options such as low glycemic index fruits, such as apples or pears, oilseeds (walnuts and almonds) and natural yogurt they are great snacks that help keep blood glucose stable.

These snacks can be stored in the desk drawer or office refrigerator, making them easy to access when you feel the need for an adjustment in glucose. Avoiding foods high in refined carbohydrates, such as crackers and chips, helps you stay in control during the day.

Emergency Planning

Even with a well-structured routine, unforeseen events can happen, and it's important to be prepared. Always keep fast-acting carbohydrates, such as box juices or glucose gels, nearby to treat episodes of hypoglycaemia.

Having an action plan for emergencies, such as informing colleagues about your condition or knowing where to find help in the work environment, is also a good practice to ensure your safety in the event of unexpected glycemic fluctuations.

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