What is Type 1 Diabetes: Symptoms and Treatments

Type 1 Diabetes It is an autoimmune condition that affects the body's ability to produce insulin, the hormone responsible for regulating blood glucose. While many people are familiar with diabetes, few know exactly how type 1 works and how it's treated. Let's explore the details of this condition and what you need to know to manage it properly.

What is Type 1 Diabetes?

O Type 1 Diabetes occurs when the person's immune system attacks the beta cells of the pancreas, which produce insulin. Without insulin, the body cannot use glucose, the cells' main energy source, and it builds up in the blood. Over time, this high glucose can cause damage to various organs and systems in the body.

Different from Type 2 Diabetes, or Type 1 Diabetes it's not related to lifestyle or weight. It is a chronic, autoimmune disease, generally diagnosed in childhood or adolescence, but it can develop in adults. The only form of treatment is the application of insulin, since the body is unable to produce it naturally.

Main Symptoms

The symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes they tend to appear quickly and can manifest themselves quite intensively. The most common signs include:

Many of these symptoms appear because the body is unable to utilize glucose efficiently. When identifying these signs, it is crucial to seek medical help to carry out the proper diagnosis.

How is the diagnosis made?

The diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes is done using blood tests. The main exam is the glycated hemoglobin (A1C), which checks the average blood glucose levels over the past three months. In addition, the fasting blood glucose test and the glucose tolerance test can also be used. In some cases, the doctor may order antibody tests to confirm the diagnosis.

These tests are important for determining the type of diabetes, as type 1 symptoms can be confused with other types, especially type 2.

Treatments and care

The treatment of Type 1 Diabetes is based on the application of insulin, which can be administered by insulin injections or pumps. In addition, constant monitoring of blood glucose levels is essential to ensure that treatment is working properly.

Treatment should be accompanied by a balanced diet and regular exercise. While there is no cure for Type 1 Diabetes, with proper treatment, it is possible to lead a healthy and active life.

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