How to Maintain Everyday Blood Glucose Control


Living with Type 1 Diabetes requires continuous attention to blood glucose levels. With so many factors that can influence blood glucose, from diet to stress, maintain a personal organization efficient is the key to avoiding fluctuations and ensuring effective condition control. Let's explore some strategies for keeping blood glucose under control on a daily basis.

Creating Monitoring Habits

One of the greatest allies in the control of Type 1 Diabetes is regular blood glucose monitoring. Making it a habit to measure your glucose levels at the same times each day helps you establish a routine and prevents forgetfulness. It is recommended to measure blood glucose:

If you use a continuous glucose monitor (CGM), the data is collected automatically, but it is important to review the graphs and reports daily to identify patterns and necessary adjustments in treatment.

Also, keep a Blood glucose diary to record your measurements and other factors that may influence glucose levels, such as food consumed, physical activities, and the level of stress.

Meal Planning

Food has a direct impact on blood glucose levels. To avoid glycemic peaks, the ideal is plan your meals in advance. Meals should be balanced and rich in complex carbohydrates, lean proteins and healthy fats.

If possible, prepare your meals in advance and take healthy snacks with you to avoid poor food choices. Foods rich in fibres, such as whole grains and vegetables, help keep blood glucose more stable.

When shopping, prefer fresh, minimally processed foods. Reading product labels is also essential to avoid hidden sugars and ingredients that can destabilize your blood sugar.

Managing Stress

O stress it is a factor that can directly impact blood glucose levels. When we are stressed, the body releases hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, which can increase glucose levels. Incorporating stress management techniques into your routine is essential to avoid these fluctuations.

Practices such as meditation, Yoga and breathing exercises help reduce stress and can be performed daily. Maintaining a good work-life balance is also important to ensure that stress doesn't become a constant in your life.

Tools to Increase Productivity and Organization

In addition to organizing your monitoring and eating routine, it is useful to adopt productivity tools to ensure that you are in control of every aspect of the treatment. Glucose monitoring apps, reminders to measure blood glucose, and even alarms for insulin administration can help create an organized and efficient routine.

Keeping your home and work environment organized also helps you avoid stress and ensures that everything is within reach when you need it. Organizing your medical supplies, such as insulin, lancets, and test strips, makes it easier to manage your diabetes on a daily basis.

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