Type 1 Diabetes and Exercise: What You Need to Know

Exercise has numerous health benefits, especially for people with Type 1 Diabetes. However, the practice of physical activities can influence blood glucose levels, requiring treatment adjustments and extra care. Here, we will discuss how physical exercise impacts blood glucose and what steps must be taken to maintain adequate control.

How Does Exercise Affect Blood Glucose?

When a person with Type 1 Diabetes Do exercises, the body begins to use more glucose as an energy source. In aerobic activities, such as walking, running, or cycling, blood glucose tends to decrease, as cells are using the sugar available in the blood to generate energy. This may result in hypoglycaemia if the person does not adjust their insulin doses or does not consume adequate carbohydrates before the activity.

Anaerobic exercise, such as weight training or high-intensity activities, may initially cause an increase in glucose levels, due to the release of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones increase blood glucose levels, which requires attention to avoid hyperglycaemia.

Adjusting Insulin and Diet

To avoid problems during exercise, it is essential to adjust the insulin dose before the activity. People with Type 1 Diabetes you should measure your blood glucose before starting to exercise. If levels are low, a quick snack with fast-absorbing carbohydrates, such as a banana or juice, may be necessary to raise glucose.

In addition, depending on the duration and intensity of the exercise, it may be necessary to reduce the basal insulin dose (the long-lasting one) to avoid significant drops in glucose. This adjustment should be made with the guidance of a doctor, who can recommend the best strategy for each type of exercise and routine.

It's also important to keep fast-acting carbohydrates close by during physical activity if hypoglycaemia needs to be treated. Snacks such as cereal bars or glucose gels are practical and effective at these times.

Benefits of Exercise for Type 1 Diabetes

In addition to helping with blood glucose control, regular exercise offers a number of benefits for people with Type 1 Diabetes. Physical activity improves insulin sensitivity, which means that the body makes better use of available insulin, reducing the need for higher doses. This helps keep blood glucose levels more stable throughout the day.

Exercise also strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves blood circulation, and helps control weight, which is especially important to prevent complications associated with diabetes, such as heart disease.

How to Maintain a Safe Exercise Routine

Maintaining a safe and effective exercise routine is possible with proper planning. It is important to start small and gradually increase the intensity and duration of the activities. The ideal is to combine aerobic exercise with muscle-strengthening activities to obtain the full benefits.

Continuous blood glucose monitoring before, during, and after exercise is essential. People with Type 1 Diabetes What do they use continuous glucose monitors (CGM) may benefit from these devices, as they alert for rapid changes in glucose levels, allowing for immediate adjustments.

Finally, always consult your doctor before starting a new exercise routine. It will be able to provide personalized guidance and help ensure that physical activity is done in a safe and beneficial manner.

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